Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 10: Plyometric Cardio Circuit

I would just like to add onto comments from day 9. I did day in Austin, TX and day 10 in Houston, TX… no big deal. False. I went from Austin to Boston to run an event, and THEN back to Houston, and still managed to NOT skip a day. I did the morning workout in Austin and evening workout in Houston. I haven't read anything in the specs that mention about keeping the time of day your workout consistent; however, the way I see it, as long as you do it, who cares about when you do it... I still want to pass out and die, but I still did it none-the-less.

The workout is just as hard as it was on day 2 and 6… actually, felt harder. Sweating? You better believe it. Even better news, I'm definitely noticing a change in the aftermath. My legs aren't burning as much and I can do more of the warmup stretches without falling over.