Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 7: Not a Goddamn Thing!

Today we rejoice through the land, as today is the day of rest from the workout of insanity! That’s right, bitches… I don’t have to bend, stretch, balance, sweat, shake, or drop it low! I had the entire day to relax, drink water, recover, and eat healthy.

I did none of these things.

I would like to take the time to STRESS the importance of drinking your water everyday, because at the end of the day today… I could have drank the entire Artic Ocean! (I picked this ocean because it’s the coldest, and I’m in Austin, and it’s HOT!)

Today was also the day of the Woman’s World Cup Soccer game USA vs. Japan, and of course we went to a sport’s bar (shitty game outcome, sorry USA). I may or may not have had 6 Mexican martinis, caso, fried pickles, and cheese sticks… I’ll never tell.

I DID, however, eat very well and healthy at Bess Bistro, Sandra Bullock’s restaurant. I just wanted to say that I ate at Sandra Bullock’s Restaurant, cause I love me some her! I think Shaun T. would want me to have this.