Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 1: Fitness Test

MY ASS!!! This is not a fitness test, this is bootcamp!

After the warm up, you do 8 different "tests" for 1 minute each, and a cool down. Even the cool down wore me out.

8 different "tests," 1 minute each, as many as you can do.

Day 1 Results:
1) Switch Kicks: 37
2) Power Jacks: 45
3) Power Knees: 61
4) Power Jumps: 16
5) Globe Jumps: 5
6) Suicide Jumps: 12
7) Push-Up Jacks: 17
8) Low Plank Oblique: 33

The sweat POURS from your body. It comes from places you didn't know could sweat. Wearing a shirt is completely pointless.
My friend Ana walked into my living room in the middle of day 1, to find me like this...

This image pretty much sums up how I did on the fitness test... fail. epic fail. My legs eventually just gave out and couldn't support my own body weight. What am I getting myself into...

1 comment:

  1. Here are my totals from day 1:

    Switch Kicks: 55
    Power Jacks: 46
    Power Knees: 75
    Power Jumps: 30
    Kinda over the whole "power" thing now.
    Globe Jumps: 5
    Suicide Jumps (holy hell): 12
    Push-up Jacks: 20
    Low Plank Oblique: 21
